
20 Ways To Be More Romance In Your Relationship

  20 Simple Ways To More Romantic In Your Relationship Written and Research By: J.J Joseph Here recently a lot of individuals have asked me questions on the topic of  "How To Be More Romantic While In A Relationship." Honestly, we don't think about this question as much as we should. And if we did I believe a lot of relationships would last a lot longer, not only that would be a lot happier. Most of the time this topic only comes up around Valentine's Day or Anniversaries, and of course if someone's relationship is already in trouble. When if they had asked before then, they may not be going through it now. Let's take a look at this topic and discuss some things you can do or tips you can try to improve your relationship. These tips are not just for specific times of the year or for when you're trying to mend a broken relationship. If we practice some of these tips in our relationship, we could have a lasting one. Before we dive into the tips, let me expla

Social Media Dating

💕 Pros & Cons Of Only/Social Media Dating 💕  When it comes to love and social media, there are both positives and negatives, much like traditional, in-person dating. It's important to understand these aspects before deciding to pursue online dating. If you've had difficulties with in-person dating and are considering trying online or social media dating, it's important to be aware of what to expect.   Here are a few upsides when it comes to dating on social media! The growth in social networks: You will have the opportunity to meet and talk to people from all over the world, which is something you wouldn't get to experience with in-person dating. Most of the time, you are limited to meeting people with similar mindsets as yours. "This helps us grow not only in online networks but also in our personal development. Gaining new friends: You can make new friends, even if you don't see someone romantically, you can still become lifelong friends. A sense of sa

🚩🚩 Seven (7) Of The Biggest Red Flags In Men 🚩🚩

  🚩 Red Flags In Men   🚩     "When it comes to spotting those red flags at the beginning of the relationship, it can be difficult. It's not that we don't see them, or that there aren't any at first, it's because we don't want to see them. Or we see them and just take them on as a package deal that comes along with this relationship. However, if we start looking for them early in a relationship, it can save us heartaches and time." Before, we can address, these red flags that were once yellow, we have to know what they look like and why some of them can be dangerous if left unresolved. "If you think you're spotting a red flag in your relationship, or if you don't know what some of these are below you can read about seven of them.    "Over Controlling"! If your partner doesn't want you to spend time with your family or friends, this is a big sign that they are controlling. When someone is controlling, they don't want you to d

♥ ♥ ♥ Top 3 Reasons Love Fades In Relationships ♥ ♥ ♥

  3 Reasons Love Fades Wrote By: Rose Joseph (J.J) Are you ever stuck trying to determine why things are fading in your relationship? Or does it seem like your love or your partner's love seems to be fading and you really don't know why? This is one thing we don't want to happen in our relationship, or we think it will never happen until it does. The truth is, that love can fade in any relationship if we don't work to keep it from fading.             Here are the top known reasons that love fades in relationships:  💋 Too many conflicts are left unsolved. When in a relationship with someone the worst thing we can do is disagree and leave things unsaid or worked through. A lot of people have disagreements and instead of working through them they give else other space and jump right back in like nothing ever happened. Too many conflicts left unsolved can build unwanted tension, and it seems better to just leave the relationship than work through their problems. 💋 Another

13 Signs It's True Love!

  Is it True Love? What are the Signs? Have you ever asked the question, "Is it true love?" Or even love at all? I think we all ask this at some point in our lives. But to answer this question, we need to know the true meaning of love. Everyone has a different understanding of love. We all perceive and experience love differently, and that's okay. But here is a simple definition of true love." True love is a unique and passionate bond that connects you as a couple that wants the best for the other person regardless of what that means for them.  Now that you know the simple meaning of love, is it love or is it attraction, or something else altogether? To help you determine whether you're experiencing love or recognizing it in someone else, here are 13 signs to consider. Being with them will feel simply easy. "When it's true love, it just feels right. It's simple and easy." You can't stop thinking about them. "When you're not with the

New Year's Resolutions "WHY"

  So Tired Of These New Year's Resolutions. 🎇🍷 How many of you made ``New Year's Resolutions?" Or looked up some Great Ideas? My question is "WHY?" By the time the 3rd is here we have already stopped them, if you keep reading you will know why we do both of these. Why do we make them? Why do we look for good ideas, and Why three days later we are back to our normal?  I can answer that for you, we do it because that is what we know, that is what we are taught, and what everyone does; RIGHT? We never change it because that is what people are so posting to do. Well if I'm going to make a "New Year's Resolution, I'm making it to be different from everyone else. I chose to Not make one at all, I chose to be different and NOT care what others think.  We care too much about what others are doing, what others think about us so we set these New Year's Resolution to lose weight, get a better job, quit drinking or smoking and it's not because that

😻 7 Signs To Identify Being Catfishing 😻

Catfishing Is Real! Write By: Rose Joseph (J.J.) What is being catfished? A lot of the younger individuals know what catfished or catfishing is! However, some still don't know what this entails. When they hear catfished or catfishing they might think of "Fishing!" I have also been asked multiple questions about the signs of being catfished, or questions about long-distance relationships, and they do not know they are being catfished.  Once you finish reading this article, you will have a better understanding of being catfished, and a few signs to look for so you can identify if someone is trying to catfish you. Before you proceed any further, have you ever been catfished or do you suspect someone is attempting it now? Let's take a closer look! "Catfished" is a person who pretends to be someone else online. Catfish can be found on dating apps and social media websites. One of the biggest places you will find this in 2024 is "Whatapp".  They use fake