Should We Change For Someone We Love?

Should We Change For The One We Love? Written By: Rose Joseph (J.J.) Sometimes we meet someone and we feel like they are our whole world. We feel like we would do everything and anything for them. It's okay to feel that way, but there is a fine line between doing everything and anything for them. It's okay to want to help them, be there for them, share with them, and love and care for them. But there are things that we shouldn't have to do or change for them. It's good to be able to change for someone we love, but feeling like you have to change things we normally wouldn't is something completely different. So, what are some things we could change for the person we love and what are things we shouldn't change for someone even if we love them? A few things you can and should charge if love someone: 1. Communication; If you're not big on communication this is something you may want to work on changing. If you love someone and can't communicate with...