
Signs You Are Self-Sabotaging! Sometimes life can be challenging. When life gets tough, we can take one of two paths: we can work on improving the situation, or we can start self-sabotaging. Believe me, if we choose to go down the path of self-sabotage, it's hard to get out of it. Not only that, when we start self-sabotaging, we can ruin any relationships we have. Many people start self-sabotaging because of relationships., however, that isn't the only reason people start. Whatever the reason for your self-sabotage, believe me, that isn't the way to deal with the situation. You could be self-sabotaging and not even know it. If you're unsure whether you are or if it's a way that you have dealt with problems in the past, there is always time to change. Below is a list of signs that you are or have self-sabotaged in the past. Not asking for help or A need for control; You do this because of failures, and you think that if you're in control, you can change the o...