Signs You Are Self-Sabotaging!
Sometimes life can be challenging. When life gets tough, we can take one of two paths: we can work on improving the situation, or we can start self-sabotaging.
Believe me, if we choose to go down the path of self-sabotage, it's hard to get out of it. Not only that, when we start self-sabotaging, we can ruin any relationships we have. Many people start self-sabotaging because of relationships., however, that isn't the only reason people start. Whatever the reason for your self-sabotage, believe me, that isn't the way to deal with the situation.
You could be self-sabotaging and not even know it. If you're unsure whether you are or if it's a way that you have dealt with problems in the past, there is always time to change. Below is a list of signs that you are or have self-sabotaged in the past.
Not asking for help or A need for control; You do this because of failures, and you think that if you're in control, you can change the outcome. Or you just don't want help because it makes you feel vulnerable.
Isolating yourself when hurt; You don't want others to see that you're hurting, so you hide your feelings and wear a mask to act like you're fine around others.
Communication Problems; When you are self-sabotaging, you may avoid communication. We all know that communication is important in all of our relationships whether personal or professional, so when fear creeps in, we tend to shut down.
Picking fights; When we self-sabotage, we may pick fights with others, hoping they will get angry and walk away. We understand that people can only handle so much before they leave, so we start fights in the hope that they will walk away, so we won't have to confront the real problem or discuss the situation.
Trust Issues; When we start building relationships, it can be scary. When we fear losing them, we tend to not trust what the other person is saying. It's not because they are doing anything wrong; it's because we start blaming everything they do or say. We hesitate to trust that they are telling us the truth because if we do and then they mess up, we get hurt.
Cheating; When we are in a good relationship, sometimes we start doubting whether it's too good to be true or we're afraid of getting hurt. This fear can lead us to cheat, in the hope that our partner will get angry and end the relationship.
Poor self-esteem; When we start self-sabotaging, we begin to think that we aren't good enough. This kind of thinking can lead to developing low self-esteem and putting ourselves down in various aspects of life, such as relationships and work.
Blaming others; This is a common behavior among people who tend to self-sabotage. When something goes wrong, they have a tendency to blame others for the failure, even if it's not anyone's fault.
Defensiveness; When people feel defensive, they often resort to blaming others or putting up emotional walls. This typically happens because they are afraid that something will go wrong, or because they don't want to take responsibility for their own actions.
After reading this, can you honestly say that you have never self-sabotaged? If you are truthful with yourself, you would answer that you have at some point in your life - we all have. If you answered no, chances are you are already using self-sabotage to deal with a situation in your life.
It may feel easier to deal with problems by avoiding them, blaming others, feeling jealous, or cheating. However, from my own experience, I can tell you that using self-sabotage to deal with your problems will only make things worse in the future. I can't tell you how to deal with your problems, but I can say that it will get worse, not better. If you're using self-sabotage to deal.