Is There Love After Cheating?

5 Tips To Move Forward In A Relationship After Cheating Written By: Rose Joseph (J.J.) When we fall in love, there is nothing quite like it. When the person we love loves us back, we feel like we have it all. However, hearing "I cheated on you" or "I cheated on my girlfriend/boyfriend" from the person we love can change a relationship fast and make us feel hopeless. Some individuals consider infidelity a deal breaker and believe "Once a cheater always a cheater." However, studies have shown that it is possible to have a happy relationship with someone after cheating, and many relationships have worked through infidelity. "Some individuals have cheated in the past but never cheat again, vice versa." Are you wondering how to repair your relationship after infidelity? Whether you believe "Once A Cheater Always A Cheater" or not, it's your right to feel that way. Personally, I consider cheating a deal breaker, but I respect that e...