13 Signs It's True Love!

Is it True Love? What are the Signs? Have you ever asked the question, "Is it true love?" Or even love at all? I think we all ask this at some point in our lives. But to answer this question, we need to know the true meaning of love. Everyone has a different understanding of love. We all perceive and experience love differently, and that's okay. But here is a simple definition of true love." True love is a unique and passionate bond that connects you as a couple that wants the best for the other person regardless of what that means for them. Now that you know the simple meaning of love, is it love or is it attraction, or something else altogether? To help you determine whether you're experiencing love or recognizing it in someone else, here are 13 signs to consider. Being with them will feel simply easy. "When it's true love, it just feels right. It's simple and easy." You can't stop thinking about them. "When you're not with the...