Friday, June 14, 2024

20 Ways To Be More Romance In Your Relationship

 20 Simple Ways To More Romantic In Your Relationship

Written and Research By: J.J Joseph

Here recently a lot of individuals have asked me questions on the topic of "How To Be More Romantic While In A Relationship." Honestly, we don't think about this question as much as we should. And if we did I believe a lot of relationships would last a lot longer, not only that would be a lot happier. Most of the time this topic only comes up around Valentine's Day or Anniversaries, and of course if someone's relationship is already in trouble. When if they had asked before then, they may not be going through it now.

Let's take a look at this topic and discuss some things you can do or tips you can try to improve your relationship. These tips are not just for specific times of the year or for when you're trying to mend a broken relationship. If we practice some of these tips in our relationship, we could have a lasting one.

Before we dive into the tips, let me explain what "Romance" means. We should all know this already, but let me clarify. Romance simply means "a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love, a strong emotion, and behaviors related to love and affection." Now that we know the simple meaning of romance, we can think of ways to apply it to our relationship. Let's look at a few ways we can show someone that we can be more romantic than before. If we apply these tips to our relationship, you are certainly going to notice a change and get them back in return.

(1) First, you can start by telling them that you love them more often. When we love someone or care for them, the first thing we should do is tell them that we do. Plus no one ever said they hated being told they were loved. 

(2) You could write them little love notes. Okay, this one you may be thinking really? But yes, everyone likes to read letters letting them know how you feel about them. You can even sneak them into something so when they are not with you, they will find them and know you're thinking about them.

(3) Make a habit of kissing them. Kiss them in the morning, before you go to bed, when you're leaving, and when you get home. This will tell them that you miss them when you are not together and that you're glad you're with them.

(4) Slower, emotional, and connected sex. Yes, sex is a big part of relationships. When we talk about being romantic, sex plays a part as well. Think of it this way, it isn't special if you are rushing through it. Or you do it and just roll over to sleep afterward. Don't get me wrong a little fast and fun sex is good every now and then. It helps keep things spiced up. But if we're talking about making someone feel special that isn't the way to go. We want to be slowly touched, kissed, and held. A little slow warm-up is needed.

(5) Make a habit of note-taking. You will do this so that when your partner says they like something you will remember it, this way you can buy them something to let them know you are thinking of them, as well as, you listen to what they say.

(6) Make date nigth & you do the planning. Yes, everyone likes to go out, the problem is sometimes we don't have time to plan it, or just wish our partners would. So, start by making a small date night to see how much they enjoy it.

(7) Make it a habit of telling them good night. Yes, believe it or not, this is something simple that a lot of individuals wish their partners would do. So, when you are lying in bed turn to them and tell them good night. If you and your partner don't live together, text them a good night short message.

(8) Hold them. This is something we don't see or hear about much. We all know that when we go to the bedroom it's for sleeping or having sex. But try just lying and holding them before you go to sleep or right before sex. Make a point to hold them for a few minutes after sex as well. Don't be one of those "Wham! Bam! Thank You Ma'am" type of person.

(9) Introduce a little four-play. This can go with a couple of the other tips. But think of how easy it's going to be to have sex if you get hot beforehand. Plus, this will help women from having to act like they are having an orgasm when they are really faking it.

(10) Touch them only if they want. Listen, we all have different love languages and that is okay. However, if you know your partner's love language is touch, make time to touch them if this is just holding hands. Plus, it can lead to a night/day of fun for both of you. ( Know their love language)!

(11) Communicate about the future. What I mean by this is tell them where you see your future with them going. Don't makeup craze stuff, be honest if you truly don't see them in your future don't lead them on. But if you do, everyone likes to know where they fit into your picture of the future.

** The Simple Things Matter **

(12) Make them Breakfast. This is a big one for women. Listen, we would love to have someone bring us breakfast in bed some mornings. I'm sure you have had it hinted to you at least once or twice. This is a sweet thought letting them know you're thinking of them first thing in the mornings.

(13) Bubble Bath. Draw up a bubble bath, and place some candies out if you have any; if not it's okay. You could even get in with them. You both can take turns bathing each other and what time your' doing this talk about your day with them, or use this for a little fun in the tub.

(14) Compliment them. Yes, we all love to be told we look good. Both men and women like to get compliments, it shows that you are noticing us. And for the ladies, your man likes to hear "They're doing something right." We all have heard that saying don't give him "The Big Head" but that is what you want to do. Same for you men let your women know she looks good even if she feels she isn't.

(15) Listen to each other. This goes for both in the relationship. We all want a partner that is listening to what we have to say. Believe me, listening will get you future in a relationship than not.

(16) Make eye contact. You don't know how sexy it is when you look over and see your partner looking at you. Not only that it lets individuals know you're engaging in what they are saying. 

(17) Just say it. If something gets on your mind, or you're thinking your sweetheart looks sexy at that moment in time, just say it. Most people don't want to try guessing what you're thinking, we like to know.

(18) Date night In. If you can't afford to go out make date night in. This is simple and romantic. Make dinner for the two of you, light some candies, and play a little music; choose the music your partner likes.

(19) Kiss them in other places. Yes, we talked about kissing them before leaving and at night. However, now I am talking about it in other places. Kiss them on the forehead, the cheek, the shoulders, etc. Use your imagination.

(20) Do small things around the house. When you see something that needs to be done, and you have the time to do it, then do it without saying anything about it. Believe me, they will notice that you're doing things for them.

I hope that you can and will use these tips to help your relationship grow wholly and romantically. Keep in mind that you can apply these tips every day in your relationship and not just around holidays or when you're in over your head. Take time to write them down or screenshot them so you have them to look back on. 

Keep in mind that what you believe is romantic doesn't mean that's how everyone sees it. So, try a few out, and if your partner doesn't like it mark it out so you don't repeat it. There are so many more things you can do to be or become a romantic partner, however, that is all I'm going over in this article. 

I hope to hear from you and your thoughts on this blog article. I enjoy all your feedback, keep emailing me ideas you would like to read about and I will do my best to get to your request.

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