Saturday, June 8, 2024

Social Media Dating

💕Pros & Cons Of Only/Social Media Dating💕 

When it comes to love and social media, there are both positives and negatives, much like traditional, in-person dating. It's important to understand these aspects before deciding to pursue online dating. If you've had difficulties with in-person dating and are considering trying online or social media dating, it's important to be aware of what to expect.


Here are a few upsides when it comes to dating on social media!

The growth in social networks: You will have the opportunity to meet and talk to people from all over the world, which is something you wouldn't get to experience with in-person dating. Most of the time, you are limited to meeting people with similar mindsets as yours. "This helps us grow not only in online networks but also in our personal development.

Gaining new friends: You can make new friends, even if you don't see someone romantically, you can still become lifelong friends.

A sense of safety and control: "When dating on social networks, you don't have to worry about someone stalking you in the sense of showing up at your home after a bad date. However, that doesn't mean that stalking hasn't occurred in online dating. There are cases where it has happened." 

Time: Some individuals feel they need more time to get to know someone before taking the relationship to the next level. With social network dating, you can take as much time as you want before meeting the person.

Now that you know some of the benefits of trying online or social network dating, it's important to be aware of the downsides before diving in headfirst. Below, I'll outline a few of these. Remember that this is just an overview of why it's hard to date on social media, and you should always do your own research before diving into anything. This way you will know what you are comfortable with.

Time: Most of the time, when we try dating on social media, we don't invest the time needed to nurture the relationship. There is only so much you can do when it comes to online dating. And spending time together is a hard one.

Effort: When dating online, we initially put in more effort to get to know someone. However, as time passes and we're not together, the effort often diminishes.

Lack of success: When we attempt online dating and it never seems to work out, we often give up. This can also make it difficult for others to find the right person. However, if we hadn't given up, the right person for us might have, most likely, given up too.

Unwanted Sexual Messages: Once we put ourselves out there online, we start receiving unwanted messages, making it hard to find the right person. We can only tolerate this for so long before giving up. After all, when we are trying online dating, we are looking for something we haven't had any luck in. Not to get unwanted sexual messages from individuals we don't even know. However, a lot of individuals use online/social media dating to look for hunkups and not long-lasting relationships.

The biggest reason is the risk of individuals misrepresenting themselves by outright lying to you. If they aren't being honest with you then you're falling for something fake.

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