Saturday, June 1, 2024

🚩🚩 Seven (7) Of The Biggest Red Flags In Men 🚩🚩


🚩 Red Flags In Men ðŸš©

    "When it comes to spotting those red flags at the beginning of the relationship, it can be difficult. It's not that we don't see them, or that there aren't any at first, it's because we don't want to see them. Or we see them and just take them on as a package deal that comes along with this relationship. However, if we start looking for them early in a relationship, it can save us heartaches and time." Before, we can address, these red flags that were once yellow, we have to know what they look like and why some of them can be dangerous if left unresolved.

"If you think you're spotting a red flag in your relationship, or if you don't know what some of these are below you can read about seven of them.  

"Over Controlling"! If your partner doesn't want you to spend time with your family or friends, this is a big sign that they are controlling. When someone is controlling, they don't want you to do or go anywhere without them. And that is just the beginning - it can get worse to the point where they will try to control every part of your life, including what you eat, how you dress, and more. When you bring it up, the most common thing they will say is, "They just want to spend time with you." However, that isn't the reality.

"Anger Issues"! This is another big red flag. If someone is constantly getting into conflicts with others, or if they don't seem to have friends because people can't get along with them, it can cause problems with your friends and family. They may blame their behavior on others, claiming that others are doing something to make them act that way. If you notice this red flag, don't ignore it, because their anger issues could lead to them taking it out on you.

"Lack of Trust"! is a common red flag that we often overlook at the beginning of a relationship, hoping it will improve. However, if your partner does not trust you early on, it can lead to problems. They may attribute their trust issues to past relationships and promise to work on it. If they don't make progress, it's best to end the relationship unless you're okay with being questioned every time you go somewhere.

"Physical, emotional, and/or mental abuse"! is a red flag that should not be ignored. Unfortunately, many people overlook this warning sign until it's too late. You might notice this red flag if your partner makes hurtful comments early in the relationship and dismisses them as jokes. Address this behavior right away, and if continues, consider ending the relationship. Abuse, whether emotional, mental, or physical, is not something to be taken lightly. "If you know someone who is getting abused get them help, as soon as it's safe for them."

"Constant Jealousy"! - It's natural to feel a little jealous when your partner is spending a lot of time with their friends. However, that isn't an excuse for them to let it cloud their judgment. Someone who is constantly jealous cares more about what they want and their own happiness than yours.

"Unable to communicate"! Yes, communication does not come easy to some when it comes to speaking about their feelings. It can seem hard to be vulnerable. However, it shouldn't be overlooked, and this red flag could be fixed if talked about early on. Remember red flags are yellow at first. When there isn't communication in a relationship, it can lead to all the other red flags. So it's best to talk about how they communicate early in the relationship.

"Substance Abuse"! This should be a clear red flag. If you meet your new partner at a club, you might not think of substance abuse right away. However, if they seem to want to drink a lot or do other things, this can lead to a toxic relationship. "Substance abuse is an illness, and if someone is struggling with substance abuse, they need help."

"Remember these are just seven red flags. There are many more, and everyone is different. How and when we notice them will vary. You may have already noticed some of these in your relationship, along with other red flags that aren't listed here. Just keep in mind that they're called red flags for a reason. Some are worse than others, but if we ignore one, we're opening the door for more. I hope this article helps you or someone you know. Use these seven signs to be more aware. And remember, just because you start a new relationship doesn't mean you have to accept red flags as part of the package.


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