You Know Your Grown With The "Bullshit Meter"


You Know Your Grown, With Your

 Bullshit Levels

Written By: Rose Joseph (J.J.)

   When we are teenagers, we can't wait to grow up. But during that time we don't really think about what it means or how we even know that we are grown. You know you're grown when your life changes completely; it will do a 180-degree turnaround. And to be honest with you, your bullshit meter will be a lot lower. Meaning you don't have time for people's bullshit. At least not like you did when you were younger!

So, here are a few signs that you're grown and your bullshit meter is lower!

1. Opinions; You don't care what others think about you, because it's irrelevant. The only relevant thing is your doing what matters to you.

2. Time; You don't have time to waste on others. If it doesn't involve you, then it doesn't matter.

3. Drama; Drama is a thing of the past, you only worry about your problems and not sticking your nose in other people's business. Nor do you want them in yours.

4. Friends; You only have as many as you can count on one hand, because you know more than that leads to fake friends that you don't need or want.

5. Life; You focus more on your future than the past. You know you can't change the past, but you shape your future.

6. Money; Saving money is more important than buying a bag or pair of shoes that you won't have or like a year later.

7. Independence; You know the only person you need to depend on is yourself. Having someone in your life is a want and not a need.

8. Parties; Are a thing of the past. Having fun is okay, but parties lead to mistakes you don't need or won't.

9. Relationships; You work on the one you're in, instead of worrying about finding one.

10. Adaptability; You adapt to your surroundings and understand things don't change just for you.

   After reading these 10 signs, how low is your bullshit meter? If all of these apply to you, then you're a grown-ass person and know your way in life. If some do, then you're on your way. And for those for whom none of these matter yet, well, be happy you're still growing and learning.


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