When She Loves You


How To Tell She Loves'You!!

Written By: Rose Joseph (J.J.)

When we have feelings for someone, all we want to know is if they have the same feelings or at least feel something for us. How can we tell if someone has genuine feelings for us, instead of lust? I strongly believe that we can overlook what is right in front of us and misunderstand our own feelings, perhaps seeing and believing something that isn't actually there.

So, how can we tell? Do men and women show the same signs? I think that there are some shared signs, but there are also differences. When she loves you, you will see it in everything she does and says. So, what are some of these signs that let you know "She Loves You?"

1. She makes time for you: She will try to spend more time with you. If she doesn't love you, she will put you on the back burner til she wants something.

2. She will remember the details: She will remember small things you talk about like your birthday, things you enjoy, your dislikes, childhood fears, dreams, vacations, and future career goals.

3. She will be Supportive: She will accept you for the good things and your flaws. She will be there for you when you need her, and help you through the problems that arise.

4. She's affectionate: She may show affection through closeness and intimacy, such as speaking, touching, and sharing her emotions and thoughts with you.
5. She's Interested: She may show interest through her body language, such as:
  • Licking her lips,
  • Putting her fingers through your hair what time you are looking at her.
  • Laughing at your jokes, "Even the bad ones" that no one laughs at.
  • Staring at you even when you're not looking.
  • Touching you, putting her hands on your shoulders, knees, arms, and legs.
  • Fiddling with things because she is nervous, etc.,
5. She will do things for you: She will like to do small things for you like:
  • Cook for you
  • Ask to wash your clothes
  • Help you
  • Bath you, etc.,

These are just a few signs that will let you know she loves you. If she isn't doing over half these then there is a good chance she doesn't love you. That doesn't mean that she won't someday. But you can't miss the signs! If you found this article helpful, you can read more articles like this on our blog page.


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