5 Tips Rebuilding Trust


Restoring Trust With Our Partner After

 Breaking It!

Written By: Rose Joseph (J.J.) 

   Let's discuss the topic of trust. Losing trust can make it seem nearly impossible to regain once broken. It's even harder when it comes to the person we love and that is supposed to love us. Rebuilding trust with our partners can be a difficult task. How can we begin restoring trust with our partners after we break it? If you have ever been hurt because someone broke your trust, then you know how that feels.

Below are some tips you can do to help restore the trust they lost in you!

1. One thing we can do is apologize for whatever you did that caused them to lose trust in you, and make a promise not to do it again and stick with it.

2. Let yourself be "Raw With Emotions," if you feel bad for what you did show it in your emotions. (Don't be afraid to cry, grieve, and talk about your pain with your partner.)

3. Do not Ignore what happened in the first place. Owning up to what you did is the first part of moving on. Let him or her be upset with you, after all they are hurting because of something you done.

4. Don't justify what you did. That means don't make up excuses why you took them for granted. There isn't NO reason you did what you did, that is all on you.

5. Stay patient and give them time to heal.  After all they need time because you hurt them. At the same time make sure you let them know you are still there.

   Restoring trust after it's broken isn't easy for either of you, but it's especially hard on the one who was hurt and had their trust broken. Rebuilding trust takes time, so it's important to be patient. If someone is trying to restore the trust that was broken, appreciate their effort. Some people believe that "once trust is broken, it can't be rebuild."

   If your partner is working to rebuild trust with you, it's important not to break it again. One person can only be hurt so many times before they give up and move on. A word of advice "If you know in your heart that you will continue to hurt them by breaking their trust, be honest with them and admit that you can't do it." This will be best for the both of you.



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