
💔Love Can Hurt A Relationship, Four(4) Ways to Fix That💔

  Loving To Much Can Hurt  Your Relationship Written By: Rose Joseph (J.J.) So many individuals are ask me, "Can you love someone to much, that it could harm a relationship?" To be honest with you, this question can elicit multiple opinions, and that is okay! However, If I am being ask I do believe that you can love someone too much, which can harm your relationships.  When we love someone and they love us there is no other feeling like that. But this can be taken too far, to the point of no return. Loving someone too much can lead to unhealthy behaviors like possessiveness, codependency, and a lack of personal boundaries, potentially causing the other person to feel smothered and pushing them away. It's good to keep in mind that while love is wonderful, loving someone too intensely can sometimes create challenges in a relationship. Here are five reasons why this can happen.  If you find yourself near any of these situations or feel you're already in them, it might b...

Divorced After A Baby!

  🍼 Divorced After A Baby 🍼 Writen By: Rose Joseph (J.J.) When a married couple has a baby, it should be an exciting time in their lives. For most couples, this is the case. However, some couples experience the opposite. Why does this happen? Why can a happy married couple, or a couple in general, appear content throughout their relationship, only to face significant challenges when a baby arrives? In other words, why do some relationships deteriorate and even lead to divorce after the arrival of a child? This situation can leave individuals feeling as though something is fundamentally wrong with them. Let's explore this topic further. Having a child can significantly alter a couple's dynamic, often introducing major stress factors such as sleep deprivation, financial strain, changing roles and responsibilities, disagreements over parenting styles, and a lack of time for each other. These factors can strain even the strongest relationships if not effectively managed together....

Love At First Sight Is NOT Real

            ♥ ♥ ♥ Love At First Sight Isn't Real ♥ ♥ ♥ Written By: Rose Joseph We've all experienced feelings of " Love At First Sight " at some point in our lives. However, the truth is that "Love At First Sight" isn't real. When we feel those intense emotions upon seeing someone, it's not love; it's actually a chemical reaction in our brain triggered by a strong physical attraction to that person. Consider this: how can we truly love someone we don't even know yet? Even if we label it as love at first sight, what happens when we discover that the person isn't who we thought they were, or they have traits we can't overlook? In such a scenario, we wouldn't stay with them, or work on it, right? We fall in love with someone based on who they are, not just their appearance. Moreover, love takes time to develop. Physical attraction certainly plays a role in falling in love with someone, if we don't like the way they look, ch...

Five Different Love Languages

  What Is Your Love Language? Written By: Rose Joseph (J.J.)    We all love and want to be loved differently, but we often don't think about it enough. If we understand how we love and how we want to be loved, our relationships could be smoother.    For example, if your ex always wanted physical touch and you didn't like it, likely, your love language isn't physical touch. Similarly, if you want physical touch and your partner doesn't show it, this can cause problems in your relationship. That's why it's important to know your love language.    There are various ways to find out your love language, such as taking online quizzes and reading articles. In this article, we will discuss the five different love languages to give you a better understanding of each one. We may show love differently than how we want to receive it. For example; we may show love with physical touch but want to receive it with words of affirmation, gifts, etc.    So, let...

Treating The One Who Loves You Poorly!

  Reasons We Allow Them To Treat Us Poorly &  How To Stop This Written By: Rose Joseph (J.J.)    When it comes to our feelings about others, we may start questioning some of the feelings we are having. We might also find ourselves questioning the feelings that others are having about us. I have helped so many people over the years who either have feelings for someone who treats them poorly, or they treat someone poorly and the other person still loves or overlooks it. Why is this? Well, there are several reasons why someone might still show you love after you have mistreated them, or why you are allowing someone to treat you poorly and you still show them love!    So, what are a few of these reasons and why do we deal with this over and over again? 1. Childhood trauma: The way they act might make you feel like you can't trust them, or like you're not good enough, or that you'll be abandoned again. These feelings might be rooted in childhood experiences,...

5 Tips Rebuilding Trust

  Restoring Trust With Our Partner After  Breaking It! Written By: Rose Joseph (J.J.)     Let's discuss the topic of trust. Losing trust can make it seem nearly impossible to regain once broken. It's even harder when it comes to the person we love and that is supposed to love us. Rebuilding trust with our partners can be a difficult task. How can we begin restoring trust with our partners after we break it? If you have ever been hurt because someone broke your trust, then you know how that feels. Below are some tips you can do to help restore the trust they lost in you! 1. One thing we can do is apologize for whatever you did that caused them to lose trust in you, and make a promise not to do it again and stick with it . 2. Let yourself be " Raw With Emotions ," if you feel bad for what you did show it in your emotions. ( Don't be afraid to cry, grieve, and talk about your pain with your partner .) 3.  Do not Ignore what happened in the first place. Owning...

You Know Your Grown With The "Bullshit Meter"

  You Know Your Grown, With Your  Bullshit Levels Written By: Rose Joseph (J.J.)    When we are teenagers, we can't wait to grow up. But during that time we don't really think about what it means or how we even know that we are grown. You know you're grown when your life changes completely; it will do a 180-degree turnaround. And to be honest with you, your bullshit meter will be a lot lower. Meaning you don't have time for people's bullshit. At least not like you did when you were younger! So, here are a few signs that you're grown and your bullshit meter is lower! 1. Opinions; You don't care what others think about you, because it's irrelevant. The only relevant thing is your doing what matters to you. 2. Time; You don't have time to waste on others. If it doesn't involve you, then it doesn't matter. 3. Drama; Drama is a thing of the past, you only worry about your problems and not sticking your nose in other people's business. Nor do...