What women want in a man


What Women Want & Need In A Men

Written By: Rose Joseph (J.J.)

As women, we are similar to men in many ways. We are all looking for the right partner. We shouldn't have to explain to our partners what we want from them; they should already know or it should be a natural part of who they are. I believe that almost every woman has thought about what their ideal partner would be like - their appearance, behavior, and even their clothing "If they could make their dream man." And if men were honest, they probably have had similar thoughts.

"Not every woman is the same, just like not every man is the same. What we look for in a man may be different in their appearance and clothing, but what is almost always the same, is that we are looking for similar behavior in men."

I believe both men and women should be able to express themselves more openly to find the right partner. It seems like both genders might feel like they are doing everything right but things never work out. Recently, I conducted a study on what men want in a relationship. Now, I think it's only fair to share what women want in a partner, beyond just their appearance or clothing choices. So, let's get into it! What do we women want in a partner?

Communication: We want someone who can communicate with us instead of assuming we can read their minds. We need them to let us know when something is bothering them. Even if, we know how you feel about us, we still like to hear it. Tell us you love us, that we look good, etc. You get the point.

Confidence: We are looking for a man with confidence. Confidence is attractive to us. There's nothing sexier than a man who is self-aware, comfortable in his own skin, and embraces his imperfections. However, we don't find arrogance or self-centeredness attractive at all. 

Maturity: We need a mature man, not someone who wants to sit and play video games all the time. While it's okay for them to play games every now and then, they need to be grown up. Have their shit together. We want a man, not a man-child!

Sense of Humor: We want someone who will make us laugh, rather than laugh at us or make rude jokes in front of their friends. We want someone to have a good time, joke, and even be a little playful.

Respect: Women want a man to be respectful to them and others. Treat us the way they want to be treated. Be nice to his mother. Even though this should be common sense, unfortunately, men get respect with chivalry confused. 

Integrity: Women tend to look for men with integrity, someone who is going to do the right thing. As we get older, the "Bad Boy" type doesn't appeal to us anymore. We look for someone honorable and fair.

Honesty: "We want a man who is open and honest, but doesn't make a habit of lying to anyone, including us. No one, not even men, likes things to be kept from them or hidden behind their backs. An open honest man is more attractive than one who lies." If you feel you have to hide something, we shouldn't be together!

Trustworthy & Trusted: We want to feel secure and trusting in our relationship. If there's no trust, the relationship won't succeed. Similarly, we expect our partner to trust us, unless we give them a reason not to. Both men and women often carry trust issues from past relationships into new ones, and this is not desirable. If there were trust problems in the past talk about it don't make us pay for it!

Vulnerability: Women are looking for a man who is willing to be open and vulnerable with them. We know that vulnerability is often seen as a weakness. However, it actually takes more strength and courage to let those walls down and let someone in. We want someone to talk to us about how they are feeling, but without going overboard with it.

Ambition: "Women find ambitious men very attractive. We want to know and see what drives our men. What are they passionate about? We want them to see that in us as well and support us in reaching our goals.

Supportive: We need a man who is supportive of our dreams and goals, someone who will encourage us to keep going when we feel like giving up. If they can't support our dreams, the relationship won't work. Being there for each other is a huge part of a relationship.

   Here are just a few things that women want in men. There are many more, but these should give you a good idea. It's quite different from when we were in our teens and early 20s. Also, keep in mind that not every woman feels or thinks the same way. However, most would agree with me on this topic. I hope this helps you understand what we are looking for and why what you're doing or have been doing isn't working out for you!

I would appreciate hearing from you and getting your thoughts on this article or any others I have written. I would also like to hear your ideas for topics you would like me to write about. You can leave your comments here or email me your ideas.
jjlovetalk911@gmail.com or lovetalk911.advicecolumn@gmail.com 


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