Divorced After A Baby!

🍼 Divorced After A Baby 🍼 Writen By: Rose Joseph (J.J.) When a married couple has a baby, it should be an exciting time in their lives. For most couples, this is the case. However, some couples experience the opposite. Why does this happen? Why can a happy married couple, or a couple in general, appear content throughout their relationship, only to face significant challenges when a baby arrives? In other words, why do some relationships deteriorate and even lead to divorce after the arrival of a child? This situation can leave individuals feeling as though something is fundamentally wrong with them. Let's explore this topic further. Having a child can significantly alter a couple's dynamic, often introducing major stress factors such as sleep deprivation, financial strain, changing roles and responsibilities, disagreements over parenting styles, and a lack of time for each other. These factors can strain even the strongest relationships if not effectively managed together....